Ever Oasis Review

Ever Oasis nurtures a lot of great ideas in a fresh title.


Ever Oasis’ true charm lies in its laid back nature. Whether you’re collecting your earnings from the Oasis’ many storefronts, talking to visiting travellers to see what they like, or off fighting beasties in a sandy dungeon, the game has a very chilled feel to it. I imagine a lot of younger players will get a lot more out of this title thanks to its deceptively simple nature – for whilst the core concepts of city-building and carefully arranging your society seem complicated at first blush, they’re easily explained and a doddle to actually interact with. Initially I found myself itching for a bit more challenge, but once I slid into Ever Oasis’ casual groove I found myself enjoying its easygoing feel.


Ever Oasis looks lovely on the 3DS. Grezzo have created a vibrant, colourful world filled with unique looking creatures and races that all pop. The design on display here is really great, and feels very different to the usual fare we get in similar fantasy games. The world is also lovingly built – the area directly outside of your oasis is vast and looks dauntingly large, despite appearing on a small screen. I loved the distinct background features that signposted certain dungeons, like a giant clay pot in the distance pouring sand.

The music is fine but I never found myself really clicking with any of it. It was always simply there, in the background, pottering around. I would have loved a more hummable score, but I understand that Grezzo weren’t exactly going for that arcade sensibility when creating it.



Ever Oasis” is going to appeal mostly to younger players, but that doesn’t mean its charms are lost on the older generation. It’s a laid back mix of city-building and dungeoneering, and it’s a formula that really works once you slip into Ever Oasis’ casual groove. Whilst I wish Grezzo had taken some of these core concepts much further than they did, what’s here scratches a particular itch that has long gone unscratched.


  • Great design and fantastic sense of scale
  • Fun, simple gameplay


  • Gameplay mechanics could have been taken further
  • Forgettable score


Story - 7.5
Graphics - 8.5
Sound - 7.5
Gameplay - 8.5
Value - 8.5
Reviewer - GamerKnights

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