GK Review: World Of Final Fantasy

Third review for today! Our in house reviewer Joe has now taken a closer look at the new JRPG from Square Enix, “World Of Final Fantasy“. Here’s more: During the course of the game you’re introduced to a flock of interesting, well written characters. There’s a mysterious, absent minded portal master who allows you to play around in other people’s lives, an overly cute item-box ow...[Read More]

World Of Final Fantasy Review

A Whole Lot of Fantasy: I didn’t know what to expect going into World of Final Fantasy. All I knew about the game was that it wasn’t Final Fantasy XV. Considering that particular hype train leaves the station in only a month’s time, I wasn’t really sure how another Final Fantasy could fare – surely this would simply live in the shadow of a much more anticipated, long awaited release. Turns out I w...[Read More]

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