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Bloody Palace is coming to all Devil May Cry 5 owners for free on April 1, 2019
Capcom announced that ‘Bloody Palace Mode‘ will be available as a free update to all De...[Read More]
Devil May Cry 5 gets exclusive Xbox One demo
At The Game Awards in Los Angeles, Capcom and Microsoft revealed that the first Devil May Cry 5 demo...[Read More]
GC 2018: 12 new Devil May Cry 5 screenshots
We received 12 new Devil May Cry 5 screenshots, straight from Gamescom 2018! You can view them all h...[Read More]
GC 2018: Devil May Cry 5 arrives March 8 2019!
Just announced during Microsoft’s Inside Xbox show at Gamescom, Devil May Cry 5 will be releasing on...[Read More]