Set one year after the events of the original Ghostrunner, the high-octane sequel follows cyber ninja Jack as he fights a violent AI cult. Wield a razor-sharp katana once more, and slice through the relentless onslaught of frenzied cultists, cybernet...[Read More]
RoboCop is a classic sci-fi action-adventure and one of Hollywood's most iconic film franchises of all time. First released in 1987, the franchise continues to resonate with audiences around the world today. Celebrating its 35th anniversary next year...[Read More]
System Shock is a remake of the beloved PC classic. Updating mechanics, graphics, and enemy A.I. - System Shock is here to offer a new generation of players a chance to go toe-to-toe with one of gaming's iconic enemies: SHODAN. Fight, hack and save h...[Read More]
Atomic Heart takes you to the 1950s, in an alternate history where servant robots became a reality. Humans and their robots seem to live in harmony, but when a sudden rebellion strikes, machines and other shrouded experiments have to be stopped from ...[Read More]
A deadly virus is spreading across Los Angeles, turning its inhabitants into ravenous zombies. The city is in quarantine and the military have retreated. Bitten, infected, but more than just immune, you learn to harness the tainted powers running thr...[Read More]
“DEATHLOOP” transports players to the lawless island of Blackreef in an eternal struggle between two extraordinary assassins. Explore stunning environments and meticulously designed levels in an immersive gameplay experience that lets you approach ev...[Read More]
For decades, Team Rainbow has been the shield against the worst global threats imaginable: hostage situations, biological weapons, the threat of nuclear war. But now, they face the greatest terror their world has ever known: a lethal, mutating alien...[Read More]
Crysis Remastered Trilogy is optimized and enhanced for next-generation consoles, letting each game play smoother than ever before. The original games played at an average of 720p resolution and up to 30 FPS. On Xbox Series X and PlayStation®5, the C...[Read More]
Necromunda: Hired Gun is fast-paced and brutal, giving you endless options on how to engage your enemies. Wall-run, double-jump, use your wrist-mounted grappling hook to rush towards, disarm, or avoid enemies - and that’s before your upgrades. Everyt...[Read More]
GRAVEN delves into a gruesome medieval world of deities and monstrosities as a disgraced Priest of the Orthogonal Order. When a heretical member of the Order sacrifices the Priest’s adoptive daughter, the Priest lethally retaliates in a bout of right...[Read More]