Several years after the events of the Alien Wars, CONTRA: ROGUE CORPS follows a former military group living on the fringes as bounty hunters and treasure finders in the Damned City. Survival requires fast reactions, powerful weapons and the occasion...[Read More]
The Castlevania Anniversary Collection is part of KONAMI’s 50th anniversary celebration and compiles titles from its beloved franchises and retro games.
ZONE OF THE ENDERS: The 2nd RUNNER - M ∀ RS follows the battle that rages between the nimble Jehuty Orbital Frame piloted by a young freedom fighter and the sinister military organization, BAHRAM. Players will pilot Jehuty through battles using its a...[Read More]
PES 2019 players can also look forward to a new menu interface, dynamically updated to bring fans the latest news about PES from the game itself. The new modern look is built around motion bringing the menu screens to life, while giving fans exclusiv...[Read More]
PES 2018 features more new additions than any other PES title in the last 10 years, and no part of the game has been left untouched. At its heart remains the famed gameplay where users enjoy complete control over the on-field action, using players th...[Read More]
Super Bomberman R makes full use of the Nintendo Switch system capabilities, which enables gamers to play wherever, whenever and with whomever they choose. Super Bomberman R offers a ‘Battle’ mode where up to eight players are dropped within a maze u...[Read More]
PES 2017 continues an astounding run of form for the KONAMI title. Its stunning visuals, beautifully realized animation, improved referees, and in-game tactical switches in both open and set play situations create a new benchmark in soccer simulation...[Read More]
PES 2016 aims to retain its title of ‘Best Sports Game’, as voted across the world at games shows and by major media outlets in 2014, by continuing to lead the way in the recreation of ‘The Beautiful Game’. The series aims to go back to its roots to ...[Read More]